The crux of the Circular Love idea is that you are the change. You have to be the change in order to get something different in your life. Once you start to have reverie, self love and appreciation for yourself, then you allow others to also have that for you too. It’s like you hold the space for yourself and then you allow others to also hold that space for you. It’s the energy you are putting off, it’s the vibration you are attuning to. It will naturally happen.

Being the change requires complete honesty. It requires you to be self aware and to acknowledge what is currently going on in order to be able to forge ahead in a new way.

I have had many relationships in the past and they all never worked out. For a while I was convinced that I was destined to just have a series of short relationships that never really went anywhere. It isn’t what I wanted, although it is what I learned from my parents behaviour. I do not blame them and I know that they did the best they knew how to do, but I adopted their patterns unknowingly! Eventually I got into meditation when I was in probably the lowest depressed state of my life while I was living abroad in Brazil in the middle of Sao Paulo. By shutting every thing else out, I began to get to know myself. That led me to make drastic changes in my life, and I mean drastic. How could I have let another relationship fail? I felt unappreciated again and I was in another situation where I was making everything look fine from the outside while inside I was dying.

Through meditation and holding onto positive thoughts about creating change. I have completely changed my life. Completely. I learned how to best nurture and take care of myself. I learned that I had to be the source of my joy, I couldn’t get it from anywhere else. I learned that I was able to be whole on my own without another person. I was so fearful at times, it was a hard road for me, but I had to figure it out. At one stage the universe strongly told me I wasn’t on the right path and I was in a head on collision in Australia. I was forced to take the time to nurture and care for myself because I had to for my own wellness and survival! It was so extreme! However, through that defining experience I have emerged a much more connected, individuated person with clarity and an abundance of love, more than I had ever experienced or had embodied before.

I believe in sharing my merits with others and I feel compelled to share what I have learned along the way in this massive transformative process. I learned that when I am the love, I can give the love, and I can receive move love than I ever knew existed. I continue to go to heights that I have never known and I feel completely blessed to have the amazing life I have now.

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