The best way to nurture your self, is to get to know your self and who you are. Different things work for different people at different stages of their lives. There isn’t a cookie cutter version of what nurtures you best. So you have to discover what you really like, what really makes you feel good, and be honest about it. This excludes doing what you think should feel good or feel nurturing, it isn’t about following someone else’s expectation of what it should feel like. It is about finding what nurtures your own self the most.

There are many ways to discover this. Writing in a journal and picturing the perfect day can be a start. In Astrology they would say “feed your moon” which translates to nurture your inner world. That as soon as you start to nurture and build your inner world, your self, you will feel better and then align with other feel good things to help build you up.

Ways I nurture myself include spending some time alone! Painting with watercolours, journaling my thoughts, writing poems, eating fresh fruits and vegetables, bubble baths, practicing pilates, meditating, taking extra good care of my skin with at home facials, at home manicures and pedicures, hair masks, and listening to uplifting music.

When you find out what makes you feel really good, especially when you are by yourself, then any where you go, you bring with you a full sense of self and are able to contribute without expectation from others.


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