It is essential that you take care of your body if you want to cultivate your own source of love. There is only one body we get in life and it is meant to last us a lifetime! So by taking good care of it, it will cooperate with you, help bring you more energy, and help to give you a sense of purpose.

The body is a high performance machine. The better you take care of it, the better it will perform. You don’t have to be some star athlete to take care of your body, but it sure does feel better when you do! Especially when you think about it like “you are what you eat”. We’ve all heard that a million times. What does it even mean though?

Okay, so whatever fuel you input, will then be used to operate the machine. So whatever food you eat, will be converted to energy to energise the body. The cleaner the fuel the better the performance, especially over the long run. Sure you can supplement if you want, but the key is choosing the healthiest options from the beginning.

Fresh fruits and vegetables are considered to be clean healthy fuel. They are like pulling up to the petrol station and choosing the premium option. These are preferred! Now, I understand that fresh fruits and vegetables can be expensive in some mainstream supermarkets, so go some place else to buy groceries if you can!

Even better yet, grow some veggies in the back yard. You’d be surprised how easy it actually is and how much better food tastes that you have grown yourself! Otherwise, see if there are any farmer’s markets in the area that you life. The added bonus of a farmer’s market is that you then get to meet like minded people and you also get to connect with the farm themselves most of the time! It’s much easier to continue living a certain way when you surround yourself with positive support that encourages the changes that you want to make!


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