An essential part of being love is experiencing joy. Joy is that really good feeling, a sense of happiness where everything is pleasant and lovely.

I find joy when I get to meet new people. This nourishes me. I enjoy, in joy, relating with others. It especially brings me joy when I get to learn or help people. I love being in an interactive classroom because it allows me to experience that kind of joy of connecting!

When I am alone, painting brings me joy. There is something so nice in the ability to create colour and images on a page or canvas. It is amazing to me and brings me back to the awe and wonder of the world. Now, when I paint, I do it for me. Most of the time, I just let whatever is going to come out, come out. Some wild things do end up on the paper at times! Other times I will intentionally draw or write something and make it bright and bold. It brings me joy to be able to create visually in this way. Where I can express myself in colour in a creative way!

Joy for me is found in thinking of positive moments that I have experienced with friends, family, strangers, or even by myself some place! When I think of those good times, they bring a smile to my face from my heart and I feel the joy! This almost instantly can change my attitude or the mood I am in. It’s fascinating to witness!

Being able to experience joy and to stay in that joyful state allows me to hold that energy for others, for places, for things. This makes all of life better, brighter and more pleasant. It’s aligning with that good feeling that helps to overflow the cup and allows for more goodness to come!

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