One aspect of loving yourself is accepting yourself just as you are. This is because only you have lived the life you have, only you have experienced life in the ways that you have, you are totally and completely unique.

One trap that can happen is comparing your success to the success of someone else. Thinking that they have something that they don’t deserve, and that you should have it instead of them. Even if this may have inklings of being true, you just have to let it go. It will only bring more bad energy and negative thoughts into your mind and therefore into your reality.

It’s also important to not compare who you are now with who you used to be in the past. When I first came back from Brazil after a failed marriage, my ego was so hurt because I was not as successful as I wanted to be in my personal life. In fact even in my professional life it was amiss as I was travelling and didn’t want to settle down in a job just for the sake of it. I continued to compare who I was then with who I was years later and it only caused me grief. By comparing myself I caused my own issues of self worth, all brought on by me! Of course it’s all brought on by me but this time it wasn’t anything else someone said, it was all what my inner critic was saying. It took me years to move past this and to finally come to grips of the beauty of who I am now. You see, there is a reason that I was no longer in that job and in that position I had before. There is a reason that I was no longer in that marriage. All of these things were not working for me in some way, that’s why I moved on!

So when the comparison devil comes along and starts playing in the mind field, tell them to go away! There’s no room for that kind of negative talk, or that kind of waste of time when on the track of self loving.

To truly be love, I have to accept that this is who I am now, cherish where I am and be appreciative of what I do have. It is with this self love that personal nourishment happens. When that personal nourishment happens, then it allows for the positive loving energy to flow through and back easily. It also holds the space for growth and opportunity for positive experiences to happen in the future!

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