At the very beginning of 2018 we were still in the US visiting family. My mother lives in Tennessee along with other relatives, and my sister and her high school aged daughter drove out from California to join us. Since my niece is looking at schools to attend for college, we visited University of Virginia, and took a tour of the US’s 3rd President Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello. It was wild to be transported back to an era where slave were kept and overall it felt very eery. All of the “modern” conveniences were basically run by the slaves who were forced against their will to stay there. It was a very confronting trip. However, it was kind of nice to see the image I’ve seen on the nickel my whole life. We also ate at a near by historic restaurant that served food of the time, and had the basic fare of beans, greens, soup, and a version of a tomato rice casserole. Here are some pics at Monticello, it was very cold!