Letting the past go allows one to be free for what is in the present and what will come in the future. The past cannot be changed. Sure you can rewrite your story to make it more appealing, but overall, it’s done. It’s over.

Dwelling too much on what was is not healthy. This is true for past relationships, for past chapters of your life in general. Being able to forgive and move on is essential for making room for the abundance of love and joy that this present moment has to offer.

It’s like when your hands are full and you simply cannot accept something else. When you free yourself up, your mind, your heart up, then it allows for new feelings, ideas and people to enter. It isn’t easy, I still work on it.

For a big stretch of time I really tried to dive into figuring out why I was playing out the patterns I had been. I dove really deep into my past to figure them out and what I found wasn’t  so pleasant. I had buried that stuff for a reason. It mostly came back up after my head on collision. I had gone to a therapist afterwards to deal with post traumatic stress and after a session we just dove into my childhood. It was not what I was expecting, and it was very very difficult for me. I honestly don’t know if it was all that beneficial in the long run. I mean, I guess it is because here I am writing about it, but it really brought up some old deep memories that I’m not even sure are really mine!

You know there’s that thing, where by observing something automatically changes it. Its been proven that this is the case with recalling memories. That we do not actually remember correctly and our minds add in bits and pieces of what was true, what we heard from others, what we’ve seen on the big screen or on television, its a big mixed bag.

I’ve come to the point now that I just witness myself having a memory of something in the past. If it’s bad I try to find the good parts of that moment if I can find them, and if not, I refocus on what’s happening now in my life that is good and is positive. The key for me has been to take control of how I think about things and part of that is allowing myself to let go of what I no longer need to bring with me into the future or even now in the present.

Let go to accept the new way of being, of loving, of living to the fullest. The present is a perishable and amazing gift to be enjoyed now.

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